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Therefore - Adventure game
Therefore - Trailers
Therefore's playable demo is now available!
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Walking through the Twin Pyramids oasis

The Twin Pyramids are the Ministries of Order and Freedom, and they are reflections one from another, the eternal fight between safety and freewill. They both reside in this oasis.

Visiting the amphiteatre
Visiting the High Court (test)
Therefore sound reel
About Therefore
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Haven
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
What will your path be, Wanderer?

The Wanderer wakes up in the First Realm. He finds it dying, disintegrating, and consumed by Degradation. A spectral form, his only guide, whispers to him: "They await you in the center of all realities."

The Wanderer has no memories and no voice of his own. He only has to walk and explore the First Kingdom in search of the Primeval Hearts, the key to reaching his goal. Along the way, he may find answers about himself and what threatens all the Realms. A great power sleeps within him, and he will soon discover that he's capable of great deeds.

The Wanderer can extract the Essences, ideas that make up the reality of the kingdom and its inhabitants, to mix them and create mystical objects that help him in his adventure. And if something goes wrong, he will be able to use Memento Mori, the ability to restart the day and learn from his mistakes. But, beware! This is the last day of the First Realm and the Wanderer must be prepared before facing the end of the Tangle of Worlds. There are different paths to travel that will decide his destiny and that of all realities. The end of this adventure depends on you.


  • A non-linear point & click exploration adventure in an open world.
  • Set in a pixel art kingdom full of life where time passes and the weather changes.
  • With surreal environments and characters.
  • A free exploration game with different paths and endings.
  • "Memento Mori" can be used to reset the day and try again.
  • Game mechanics in which music and sounds are an essential part.
  • Lots of musical and symbolic puzzles, where poetry and enigmas are a constant.
  • In a universe based on Plato's Theory of Forms, all reality is made up of ideas (essences).
  • Forging mechanics. Create Key Items from the Essences you hear and draw from the environment.
  • Script and dialogues with various levels of depth and meaning.
Available on Game Jolt   Available on   Available on IndieDB   Channel on Discord
Therefore Team
Diego Corzón (Eurinomio)
Narrative Designer | Scriptwriter | Design and Animation | Background art | Content creator.

“World is changing, humanity is changing, games and video games must be part of the change”. This messianic deviant is one of our narrative designers, an idea breeding machine who always convince us to follow him in his weird experiments. 

Corzón (a.k.a Eurinomio) gave his back to a finished Laws Degree and then studied DGAC (Digital Graphic and Artistic Creation) learning about traditional and new techniques of illustration, design, and animation. Not having enough, his delirium led him to other odd careers as Narrative Creation, Interactive Writing, and Audiovisual screenwriting alongside with other 3d and graphic design courses. Heaven knows how, he has published tales, articles, and essays and has earned some prizes and nominations in poetry, comic and writing minor competitions.

Simultaneously to both video game projects (Crisis Crunch and Therefore), he is working on many other editorial and game projects, including a podcast.

Eurinomio loves storytelling and video games over all. In fact, we think he lives in a perpetual video game (¿Isla Piñata, maybe?). He uses literature, philosophy, art, comic, theatre…, the entire audiovisual spectre to shape his weird fictions, and sometimes, just sometimes, some of them worked.

L'ezaro Dubra: Servicios integrados

L ́EZARO DUBRA Integrated Services in A Coruña, Spain, has specialized personnel in the real estate, tax, and legal fields and they accompany you and advise you in any process related to:

Buying and selling | Rentals | Swaps | Inheritance management | Asset management | Legal and tax advice.

In L ́EZARO DUBRA Integrated Services are experts on the acquisition and placement of your properties, the management of assets and new businesses, and, in addition, they offer legal and tax advice throughout all the process. They are part of a real state nexus that allows them to find the better placement of your properties. They offer free basic digital home staging and have a network of collaborations in the fields of marketing, architecture, design, business, notarial services... All you may need.

They are our head advisors and do not hesitate to clarify our legal, tax, and real estate doubts. In addition, they are known for supporting profiles of young and entrepreneurial clients. And it's because of all of that, why we always keep them very close and why they are part of our nexus.

María Benítez
Community Manager

Librarian during the day, Community Manager by night. Worlds of information and social networking have no secrets for her. Her vocation is to set up relations, to discover new pathways, to develop alliances.

Maria studied Library Science and she worked at the documentation centers of some law firms and public libraries. Discovering, afterwards, an unambiguous relation between her past and her future, she decided to study for Community Manager. Ever since, she didn't stop exploring and (why deny it?) playing with new web possibilities.

Currently she collaborates with a librarian web portal, coordinating sections and writing some posts about social media, books and libraries. She is also making her first steps in illustration, more specifically in the dark world of librarian fanzines.

Always restless, her hobbies are related with art, design and creation, going from digital to traditional (such as crochet or decorated cookies). Undoubtedly, this was the key to create such affinity with the rest of the Nexus (especially for the cookies).

Her motto is that everything must be perfectly written, connected, organized and classified, professional bias in its entire splendor.

Nacho Roca
Sound Designer

"The sound completes the information of what we see".

To Nacho we perceive reality halfway because we don't pay attention to what it wants to tell us. With his quiet nature, Nacho dedicated the first years of his life to listen. It's not rare he begun to feel interested in the world of music and sound editing where it's believed that any useless word can ruin an irreplaceable atmosphere.

As a great passionate of music he has been part of several music bands, going all the way from hard rock to harmonic Spanish guitars.

He has worked as direct sound technician in one of the most charismatic event rooms of Galicia, "El Nautico" of San Vicente. In that idyllic place near to the beach performed well-known national groups and musicians like: Iván Ferreiro, Coque Malla, Nacho Vega and "O Funkillo" among others.

Nowadays he is the sound director of Walterhaus, an emerging company settled in Madrid built by him and his associates. From there they "scheme" all kind of services related with the audiovisual world (campaigns, events, spots, music...).

It seems he hadn't enough just with creating his own company in these dark times so he decided to jump in the deep with such an ambitious and experimental project as Therefore (specially when it comes to the Sound designing area) in order to take his first steps, along with us and with The Wanderer, towards the world of video games.

Nicolás Ibáñez
Game Programmer | Web Programmer | 2D & FX Designer

He has the quickest fingers in town. We call him “Speedy Ibañez” and his capacity of work and organization is legendary in the Nexus. He loves video games, indie and retro games are his thing, being graphic adventures his preferred gender. He's also an enthusiast of science fiction, especially sci-fi movies. He enjoys reading science books and topics like quantum physics and string theory. Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan and Nikola Tesla are some of his idols.

He studied Computer Engineering specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Systems. He worked as Annalist, Systems Programmer and Web Programmer with big companies, as for example, Inditex.

Nico has an outstanding initiative and seems not to know what risk or challenge means, if he wants to do it he will do it, as simple as that. We have to recognise it, not other sane programmer will follow this team to experimental interactive trips of no return, none but Nico Ibañez.

If we are Icarus, crazy enough to fly near to the sun, Nico is our wings, and he doesn´t seem to be scared of melting down, neither do us. We know that in his hands we will enjoy a comfortable flight.

Simultaneously to Project Therefore Nico is working in other interactive projects that for sure will make some noise.

Rodrigo Pascual
Art, Background Design, BG FX Design.

“Video games and games are art, dare to deny it and you will face the rage of my hammer”. Thanks to the gods he really hasn´t got a hammer, because our comrade will fulfill his menace.

He has a storming and peculiar mind, full of smashing ideas. He loves video games, board games, family games and any kind of games if they are original enough. He devours literature, cinema and comic books; he likes mythology and anthropology in general and loves nordic myths.

He studied Digital Arts and Graphic Design, he worked in design studios and as an illustrator for short films and comic. He is a great 2D artist and an ace in game mechanics.

He has collaborated on project Therefore and also he is working in two board games, and he has more ideas in the sleeve. He is also one of the promoters of the Trim Tangle Nexus.

Be sure that clichés are not his thing; he uses his work to experiment and break media walls. Epic is in every fibber of his body, and independent projects are his life. Working alongside him is like being inside of Ring of The Nibelungs, so imagine play one of his games.

Sergio García Cuesta
OST Composer | Musician

Cuesta is a serene person, a peaceful soul, it seems like he is always waiting for something, but inside his head a revolution is happening and new ways of expression are being given artistic form.

Cuesta is a thorough guy, a thinker and has a lyrical spirit. His themes are emotional and experimental.

Since he was a child he knew music was his life, he studied in the Creative Music School in Madrid and has been teached by talented musical icons of classical and modern music and composition as Jose Luis Fajardo, Andres Alen or Ramon Paus.

Fond of instrumental and experimental music, soon he felt the unavoidable pull of Jazz music, which is why in this moment, and simultaneously to the work in Therefore, he is studying the Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Performance in Dublin. He also worked in short films soundtracks and advertising musical themes.

He likes riddles, mind games and puns. Occurrence is always in the tip of his tongue. He loves literature and audiovisuals, and of course, video games, card games and any strategy game in which he uses to stand out thanks to his creative strategies and his reflexive behavior, that makes him very good (without even try it) in competitions.

This creativity, these thoughtful manners, this profound lyricism... We knew from the start that our weird projects (like Therefore) were predestined to be in his hands, their intertwine cannot be avoided. And in The Tangle believing in predestination is a valid choice.

WHO! Sounds
Sound design and mastering

They are a multifunctional sound studio situated at Plaza de Castilla, Madrid, 5 minutes away from Fuencarral station, with easy car access and with parking at the door.

Their 25 square meters control room is provided with A-class hardware and the most advance software, with a recording room of 20 square meters capable of different configurations. Their installations are equipped with a video editing room, a cyclorama, a warehouse, print, lifter, kitchen, dressing room with showers, a bar and spacious common areas.

Their main staff is full of young, qualified and versatile technicians. In the last 10 years they have worked in the world of music, cinema, TV, advertising and video games. They are certified technicians in Pro Tools and in FMOD and WWise basic licenses.

In the world of video games development and post-production they have worked in some outstanding titles such as “Crysis 2” or “Dead Space 2”, being in charge of the full dubbing process for both products.

Nowadays WHO! SOUNDS is part of the creative nexus Trim Tangle, working on the sound design of one of our most ambitious projects, “Therefore”. They are also trying to launch, along with NEHO Games, an AAA Game created in Spain: "Future Slaves", that is already in its funding phase.

But what is important it’s not what they have done but what they can do for you.

In WHO! SOUNDS they record, edit, design, compose, arrange, mix and master with high-quality equipment. There, you can design the sound effects of your videogame, compose your music or infuse some life into your characters with their post-production and dubbing services, always working with the best voice actors and actresses of the moment.

Also, next to their studio you can make the photos you need for your website or order the design for your cover, your corporative video, make your TV or web spot or do the printing you need for your advertisements. If you want, they can even plan your advertising campaign, this way your game will have all what it needs for its better diffusion.

As you can see, they are always prepared. And you?

Mirrored lake.jpg
The Haven
The Deep Beat
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: Training Arena - The Foremost's Palace
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Interface: The notebook
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Interface: Saved Games
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Map of The Beacons of Ethereal Paths
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at night
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Greatmother Aureen
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore Concept Demo: Forge of Essences
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Little Cande
Therefore Concept Demo: Meditation mode
Therefore Concept Demo: Palace's Gardens at dawn
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore Concept Demo: Therefore's Palace
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Therefore Concept Trailer - Using the enchanted water
Therefore Concept Trailer - Forge of essences
Therefore Concept Trailer - Listening to Yawny Bluegaze
Therefore Concept Trailer - Night on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Nightfall on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Awakening on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Mirrored lake.jpg
The Haven
The Deep Beat
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: Training Arena - The Foremost's Palace
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Interface: The notebook
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Interface: Saved Games
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Map of The Beacons of Ethereal Paths
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at night
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Greatmother Aureen
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore Concept Demo: Forge of Essences
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Little Cande
Therefore Concept Demo: Meditation mode
Therefore Concept Demo: Palace's Gardens at dawn
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore Concept Demo: Therefore's Palace
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Therefore Concept Trailer - Using the enchanted water
Therefore Concept Trailer - Forge of essences
Therefore Concept Trailer - Listening to Yawny Bluegaze
Therefore Concept Trailer - Night on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Nightfall on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Awakening on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Mirrored lake.jpg
The Haven
The Deep Beat
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: Training Arena - The Foremost's Palace
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Interface: The notebook
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Interface: Saved Games
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Map of The Beacons of Ethereal Paths
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at night
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Greatmother Aureen
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore Concept Demo: Forge of Essences
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Little Cande
Therefore Concept Demo: Meditation mode
Therefore Concept Demo: Palace's Gardens at dawn
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore Concept Demo: Therefore's Palace
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Therefore Concept Trailer - Using the enchanted water
Therefore Concept Trailer - Forge of essences
Therefore Concept Trailer - Listening to Yawny Bluegaze
Therefore Concept Trailer - Night on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Nightfall on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Awakening on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Mirrored lake.jpg
The Haven
The Deep Beat
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: Training Arena - The Foremost's Palace
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Interface: The notebook
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Interface: Saved Games
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Map of The Beacons of Ethereal Paths
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at night
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Greatmother Aureen
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore Concept Demo: Forge of Essences
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Little Cande
Therefore Concept Demo: Meditation mode
Therefore Concept Demo: Palace's Gardens at dawn
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore Concept Demo: Therefore's Palace
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Therefore Concept Trailer - Using the enchanted water
Therefore Concept Trailer - Forge of essences
Therefore Concept Trailer - Listening to Yawny Bluegaze
Therefore Concept Trailer - Night on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Nightfall on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Awakening on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Mirrored lake.jpg
The Haven
The Deep Beat
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: The Peddler's wagon / The emporium of wonders
Therefore - Scenery: Training Arena - The Foremost's Palace
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Scenery: The Bazaar
Therefore - Interface: The notebook
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Lighthouse
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Scenery: The Scorching Woods
Therefore - Interface: Saved Games
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Vantage
Therefore - Scenery: The Justice Court
Therefore - Scenery: The Snowy Tundra
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Therefore - Scenery: The Whatever Zone
Map of The Beacons of Ethereal Paths
Therefore: Forge of Essences, listened & learned formulas
Therefore: Meditation, the three types of essences
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Masters' Refuge
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dawn
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at midday
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at dusk
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Gardens at night
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore's scenery: The Foremost Palace
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore: The young Dreamer
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Greatmother Aureen
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Daylight on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo - Night on Palace's Gardens
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore Concept Demo: Forge of Essences
Therefore Concept Demo: Talking to Little Cande
Therefore Concept Demo: Meditation mode
Therefore Concept Demo: Palace's Gardens at dawn
Therefore Concept Demo: The 4 Primevals, The 4 Eternals
Therefore: Title screen
Therefore Concept Demo: Therefore's Palace
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
Therefore Concept Trailer - Using the enchanted water
Therefore Concept Trailer - Forge of essences
Therefore Concept Trailer - Listening to Yawny Bluegaze
Therefore Concept Trailer - Night on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Nightfall on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Awakening on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Raining on Insouciance
Therefore Concept Trailer - Insouciance has flourished
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