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Trim Tangle on the social media

Congratulations, fans of Trim Tangle. We are finally on the social media. There you will find exclusive information about our two ongoing projects: Crisis Crunch and Therefore.

To begin with, you can take a look at our different pages on Facebook: Trim Tangle, Therefore and Crisis Crunch. Go there and comment everything you like. We will be glad to answer all of your questions.

Crisis Crunch Facebook Page

Do you prefer a more dynamic media? Don’t worry. We’ve create a Twitter account (@trimtangle) just for you all that can’t wait to know the most recent improvements in our projects. We will also retweet some interesting news about the indie games world.

Trim Tangle Twitter Page

At last, but not least, our Youtube channel. Beware: on the next weeks we will post some videos of our videogames. But shhhh, I can say no more.

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